Healthy Skin, Hair, Nails & Joint Support.
Supports healthy collagen formation with vitamin C and collagen.
Healthy Skin, Hair, Nails & Joint Support.
Supports healthy collagen formation with vitamin C and collagen.
COLLAGEN DEPLETION: The primary structural component for all tissues in the body, collagen supports healthy skin, hair, nails and joint. It’s the beauty secret we all want to know about. However, as we age, collagen production starts to decline, leading to common signs of aging. But there’s hope with Neocell Super Collagen Pills !
Collagen helps maintain the integrity of your cartilage, which is the rubber-like tissue that protects your joints.
Your bones are made mostly of collagen, which gives them structure and helps .
The women who took the collagen showed an increase of up to 7% in their bone mineral density (BMD), compared with women who did not consume collagen .
BMD is a measure of the density of minerals, such as calcium, in your bones. Low BMD is associated with weak bones and the development of osteoporosis .
Between 1–10% of muscle tissue is composed of collagen. This protein is necessary to keep your muscles strong and functioning properly .
In one study, 27 frail men took 15 grams of collagen while participating in an exercise program daily for 12 weeks.
Additionally, they increased their levels of HDL “good” cholesterol by an average of 6%. HDL is an important factor in the risk of heart conditions, including atherosclerosis .